martes, 27 de octubre de 2015

Technology in the Classroom

Technology bringas many good things, knowledge, communication but it also has many negative aspects, distraction and harassment. When talking about this technology applied in the class helps a lot and makes things easier, not to mention the fact that it gives more freedom and control of what they are doing to children and adults.
  The advantage are through people every day, does not matter where they are technology is everywhere and that is one of the best things for learning; you take all you know to every place in the world. In addition people share their work with the whole world, furthermore it is very useful for everyone.
 On the other hand distraction attacks students during the class due to the fact that cellphones can be used anywhere and in silence, however exist some students that do not use the cellphone in class; while some kids make sport and enoy it other spend the whole day with computer games. As a result their grades start falling straight.
 All in all students enoy in many ways to work with technology and prepare them for the future, but also make life of teachers easier.


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