martes, 16 de mayo de 2017

Capital Punishment

When a crime is commited there are many ways of making the criminal understand that what they did was wrong. In this essay im going to explain why capital punishment is probably the best way to take criminals out of the streets and let people live in peace. Even taking into account that justice many times get wrongful convictions.

Capital punishment is the best way to take criminals out of the streets, because the person that raped or killed (concerning murder self def'ence should be excluded) will never be a civilised person again, is just a one way road. Why so harsh? Every day many people is killed for stupid reasons or eventhought without one, and the murder who took away that life is the worst part of society and this kind of people are going to take our cities, our world to crazyness. This situation is shown in the movie "Dead man walking" where two girls where murdered and the family want the justice to kill him because they think it was just the correct judgement.

The justice system many times make mistakes and eventhought they do not have enough proofs against one person this one is sentenced and this is the only reason that capital punishment shouldn't be approved. This problem would be solved by passing through many stages before sentencing a person to death.

As a conclusion we can see that maybe we are going to approve capital punishment when we take it personally. At least in Argentina the justice system fails everyday and convicted people murder or rape again. This seems to be the only way out of this pandemic problem.

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